As my fatigue has taken hold, my blackberry has shown signs of fatigue as well. Even though it's been getting it's usual 8 hours of charge every night, for the past few days, its battery is half-empty by noon. And after a couple 15-20 minute calls, the "low battery" message appears on its screen, the bars all conspicuously absent from the battery icon in the upper left-hand corner.
They say mental or emotional factors can take a toll on the body, but can any of these have an effect on the cell phone? Are my Blackberry and I, like twins, so interconnected that when something happens to one, the other is affected? Is my chronic fatigue spreading to my phone, or is it the other way around: as my cell phone battery depletes, I too, am depleted. Who's the chicken and who's the egg here? Depending on which way the causal arrow points, I'm either going to have to start on the NoDoz or pay a visit to T-Mobile.