Sunday, December 17, 2006
I have a fear of jinxation. I’m terrified that if I articulate the positives in my life, they will cease to exist. Similarly, I fear that if I discuss any previous successes that I've had, I will be doomed to failure in the future. I’m convinced that the mere mention of certain words and phrases will bring bad luck.
I've discovered that most of these “taboo” words are inherently positive. They represent all that I'm working to achieve, and hope to one day be defined by. I’ve also discovered that this mindset is in no way normal (bordering on insane, really), so I decided to get to the bottom of it. I tried googling “jinxation”, “fear of jinxing”, and “jinxaphobia.”; much to my surprise, I got zero results. Is it possible that I’m the only person on the planet who fears the jinx? If so, I should probably stop typing immediately and run to the nearest therapist. I’d rather not have to do that; perhaps I’ll try searching “jinx-conscious”….