There's nothing I appreciate more than a person who'll let you be mad when you're mad. I never understood why society is so averse to the expression of anger. Not every emotion can be conveyed in a steady tone- sometimes, you have to yell. You WANT to yell. I hate repression in all forms, and the concept of anger management seems to essentially be self-denial. Of course, there are extremes to be avoided, but it is possible to simultaneously respect someone and raise your voice in their presence. No doubt this sounds beauty pageantesque, but if yelling didn't have such a negative stigma attached to it, there'd be less need for violence. We all need to let it out sometimes- better we do so vocally rather than physically.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Slam that door, make a scene.
There's nothing I appreciate more than a person who'll let you be mad when you're mad. I never understood why society is so averse to the expression of anger. Not every emotion can be conveyed in a steady tone- sometimes, you have to yell. You WANT to yell. I hate repression in all forms, and the concept of anger management seems to essentially be self-denial. Of course, there are extremes to be avoided, but it is possible to simultaneously respect someone and raise your voice in their presence. No doubt this sounds beauty pageantesque, but if yelling didn't have such a negative stigma attached to it, there'd be less need for violence. We all need to let it out sometimes- better we do so vocally rather than physically.